Bar Association President Şenses: Anonymous witnesses are used as operational apparatus

BATMAN - President of the Êlih Bar Association Erkan Şenses, who stated that they filed a criminal complaint against the "anonymous witness" who testified about non-governmental organizations, said: "As the institution of confidential testimony is used as an operational apparatus, it has become a bleeding wound of the Turkish judiciary."
In the case brought against a citizen at the Batman 2nd High Criminal Court, a “secret witness” whose statement was taken, among them the Êlih Bar Association, the Union of Chambers of Craftsmen, the Chamber of Architects, the Petrol-İş Union, the Eğitim Sen, the Genel-İş Union, the SES Branch, the Kahveciler and the Internet Cafeteria Chamber, accusing him of "transferring money to the organization". Institutions that held a press conference on the slander before filed a criminal complaint against the "anonymous witness" to the Batman Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.
Emphasizing that the truth of the "confidential witness" was revealed in this case once again, Şenses said: "The client considers responding to the slander of the so-called anonymous witness to be an act of slander. We believe that a public lawsuit will be filed against the customer, the so-called anonymous witness, however, it should be noted that since the secret testimony institution is used as an operational apparatus, it has become a bleeding wound of the Turkish judiciary.”
Reminding that the activities are periodically audited by the Ministry of Justice, Şenses said: “In this context, we invite the Inspection Board of the Ministry of Justice to inspect our bar. If the Batman Bar Association is demanded to be brought into line over the so-called anonymous witness, we must state that our bar association has not bowed to threats since its establishment and will not bow down from now on."
Expressing that the non-governmental organizations exposed to slander are the lifeblood of the city and occupy an important place for the city, Şenses said that they filed a criminal complaint against the "anonymous witness".
MA / Ömer Akın