Elections in Turkey: Call to voters in Europe

ISTANBUL - Politician Faysal Sarıyıldız, a member of the Green Left Party International Election Coordination, stated that the future of the peoples is in the elections to be held on May 14, and called on more than 3 million voters in Europe to take responsibility.
The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) continues its many activities such as questioning voters, making new registrations and persuading voters in many European countries for the May 14 elections. Voting in Europe, where there are 3 million 286 thousand 258 voters and 4 thousand 969 ballot boxes will be set up, will start on April 27 and end on May 9.
Politician Faysal Sarıyıldız, who is in the Foreign Election Coordination of the Green Left Party, spoke about their work.
Stating that they started the election work about 2 months ago due to their predictions about the political developments in Turkey, Sarıyıldız said: "Hundreds of people came to register as observers for the elections that will start on April 27 in Europe. The CHP, which is in the Nation Alliance, is also making an intense effort in Europe to protect the ballot boxes. The turnout from Europe is around 50 percent in every election, but they aim to raise the ballot box as much as they can in these elections. We continue to leave notices of our principles and goals in every family's mailbox. We regularly visit Kurdish centers, local associations and faith organizations. We will either determine our future or enter a worse situation than the current situation with this choice. We have seen this more clearly in Erdogan's practice in recent years; therefore, we call on our people in Europe to take responsibility to go to the polls.”
MA / Ergin Çağlar