Attack on Green Left Party election offices

  • actual
  • 14:12 12 April 2023
  • |
ANKARA/İZMİR - Green Left Party election offices in Ankara and İzmir were attacked by an unidentified person or persons.
The election offices of the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) in Ankara and Izmir were attacked by an unidentified person or persons. The Green Left Party's Hüseyingazi election office in the Mamak district of Ankara was attacked. According to the information obtained from the office staff; The previous day, the flags of the Green Left Party were removed and the Turkish flag was hung in front of the office.
The election office of the Green Left Party in İzmir, located in the Menemen district, was also attacked. The two attackers shared the moment of the attack on their social media accounts. Party leaders did not file a criminal complaint against the attackers on the grounds that they were underage.