Indictment of Journalist: He shook the loyalty of the Kurds to the state!

  • actual
  • 13:04 15 April 2023
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NEWS CENTER - In the indictment prepared against journalist Ömer Çelik, it was claimed that in the program he presented, Çelik talked about the isolation in Imrali and the oppression of the Kurds, and that "he made speeches in a way that shook the loyalty and trust of the Kurds to their state".
The indictment prepared against Ömer Çelik, one of the journalists who was arrested in Amed(Diyarbakır) on June 8, 2022, 8 days after he was taken into custody, was accepted. Çelik will appear before the judge at the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court on July 11, along with 17 of his colleagues, 14 of whom are imprisoned. In the section of the indictment, which consists of 728 pages, about Çelik, news and witness statements were cited as evidence of "being a member of a terrorist organization". The indictment included the broadcast discussions allegedly obtained from the servers of Sterk Tv and Medya Haber TV located abroad.
The topics discussed in Çelik's show "Amed'ten Bakış", in which different names were hosted every week, were deemed a crime. In the indictment, the following assessment was made regarding Çelik's interpretation of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in his program: "(...) In our country, unlawfulness in İmralı has spread to all areas of the society and has spread to all segments of society, and to Abdullah ÖCALAN, the leader of the PKK/KCK terrorist organization, convicted terrorist. attaches importance to the convicted terrorist Abdullah ÖCALAN, the ringleader of the PKK/KCK terrorist organization, that he has been in so-called isolation since the day he was caught, and that policies of ignorance, genocide, massacre and assimilation have been implemented against the Kurdish people since the proclamation of the Republic, and he expressed the loyalty and trust of the Kurdish people to their state in which he gave shocking speeches (...)"
In the indictment, it was alleged that Çelik had acted "in line with the organization's arguments" while using the phrase "international conspiracy". These allegations, on the other hand, were based on the statements of KCK, which were also published on different websites at the time of the broadcast of Çelik's program.
Çelik's assessment of the allegations against Semra Güzel, one of the imprisoned former MPs of HDP, was also included in the indictment. In the indictment, it was alleged that Celik described the allegations made by the pro-government media about Guzel as a "lynching campaign" and thus "masked the PKK".
Çelik's news stories on various dates were also cited as evidence for the accusations. "The regional equivalent of the right to life: The right not to be killed!" news titled; His compilation news about the March 28 events, which started in 2006 in Amed(Diyarbakır) and spread to other cities, published in the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) on March 28, 2022; The news of the analysis of the Newroz processes on March 15, 2022 was also considered a crime.
The photographs of the news on the memory cards seized during the raid at Çelik's house and the statements of secret witnesses were also made the subject of accusation. The statements of the secret witness "CV23TY45UP78", who were used as evidence for the HDP's decision to block the treasury aid, about Çelik were also included in this indictment. The statements of the aforementioned secret witness that he was "making a program" regarding Çelik's weekly programs were included in the indictment.
MA / Azad Altay