Amed candidate Eren: Öcalan is the solution of the Kurdish Question

  • actual
  • 10:22 17 April 2023
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DİYARBAKIR - Stating that the state carries out a policy based on denial of Kurds, Green Left Party Amed(Diyarbakır) MP candidate Serhat Eren said: “The biggest problem of this country is the Kurds, democracy and freedoms. Mr. Öcalan is the solution to the Kurdish Question.”
While the presidential and parliamentary elections are a few days away, political parties are preparing for May 14. The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which entered the field quickly, organized public meetings, office openings and tradesmen visits in all provinces from Edirne to Kars. Lawyer Serhat Eren, who is also from Amed and is the 5th candidate from his hometown, stated that he will work for the solution of the Kurdish question, especially the isolation.
Serhat Eren
Adding that the people now want to get rid of the AKP-MHP government, Eren said: “We work in the electoral districts, we travel around, we contact the people. We can clearly deduce that from people's approach, even looking into people's eyes, we can see that it is possible to get rid of 20 years of AKP-MHP fascism and that the people have hope in this regard. It is necessary to express that the people in the places we visit, street by street, village by village, are trying to get rid of this fascist system. I can also state that law enforcement officers, especially the police, are trying to prevent our work both in the city center of Amed and in its districts. While all parties are entering the elections and all parties should work equally and fairly, the state's attack on our party for years continues during the election period. But the Kurds have always overcome these obstacles in their history and will do so in the future. We are working on the election with great motivation and enthusiasm, and we will succeed."
Adding that the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan is related to all the problems in the country, Eren continued: “The parliamentary floor alone is not the only area to solve fundamental and perhaps centuries-old problems in Turkey. The demand of the society as a whole needs to be expressed strongly, in fact, we are thinking of going there as those who voiced and resolved those demands in the Parliament. The biggest problem of this country is the Kurds, the problem of democracy and freedoms. I can say that we will make an effort to solve the Kurdish Question on the floor of the parliament. Of course, this alone is not enough, one of the addresses and the most important actor in the solution of the Kurdish Question is Mr. Öcalan. Mr. Öcalan is the solution of the Kurdish Question. Since Mr. Öcalan has to play his role in solving the Kurdish Question, the isolation must be lifted. This is an election in which we will come to terms with both the system and AKP-MHP fascism in many aspects.”