From PUK to Barzani: Those who sell their real lands set up bases in Turkey

  • actual
  • 15:45 18 April 2023
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NEWS CENTER - Responding to Masrour Barzani's rhetoric of "betrayal", the PUK said: "The ones who sell their real lands are those who allow Turkey to establish more than a hundred military bases between Hewler and Duhok."
PUK responded to the statement of Federative Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Mesrur Barzani at an iftar dinner in Hewler on April 16: “We can never be partners in betrayal, corruption, terrorism, intimidation, plunder and using people for their own interests.”
The written statement made by the PUK Hewler Center is as follows: “The real sellers are those who allowed Turkey to establish more than a hundred military bases between Hewlêr and Duhok, condoned the martyrdom of citizens, and paved the way for the plunder of the nature and forests of Kurdistan. The statement and attitude of the 9th cabinet president about politics, economy, diplomacy and cooperation is dragging the Kurdistan Region into a dark tunnel.
What happened in the Kurdistan Region is a violation of all criteria for being a state. The reason for this is terrorism and the policies carried out. What do you have left but to stir up the Kurdistan Region and destroy political privileges? You have eliminated all support at the international level, you have broken the unity at home and you are trying to destroy all relations. These people also jeopardized the sources of income from which all teachers, peshmerga and police salaries would be paid.”