Condemnation from his family to not giving the body of Akdoğan

  • actual
  • 15:25 19 April 2023
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VAN - While condolences were made for Ali Akdoğan, who lost his life in the Omeriya region of Merdîn(Mardin), his family condemned the fact that the body was not given to them.
The family of Ali Akdoğan, one of the 3 HPG members who lost their lives in the airstrike in the Omeriya (Ömeryan) region of Merdîn on March 12 and was buried in the Artuklu "cemetery of the nameless", expressed their condolences in the Xaçort District of the Reya Armûşê district of Van.
In the condolences visited by many people, the family condemned the fact that the body of their child was not given to them.
Saying that her child joined the PKK 11 years ago, mother Hatice Akdoğan said: "We hold our heads high. Not everyone can carry this honorable and heavy burden. Our way is the way of honor. We could not receive the body despite our application. We would give us our body after the DNA test. Everyone lying in that cemetery is our child."
Father Şükrü Akdoğan said: “Their struggle will live with us until we die. We promise them that; We will not stray from their path. We went to the prosecutor's office and applied. We do not know how long this process will take. They should know that no matter how hard they try or kill us, we will take our children's bodies. The Kurdish People's Leader has been in prison for these people for years. Our cause is neither money nor fame. Our cause is a case of honor and honor."
Calling for the body to be buried in the cemetery of the nameless, Akdoğan said that everyone should be in solidarity with us for taking our the body.