Youth: We will go to the polls to end captivity

  • actual
  • 14:10 20 April 2023
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MUŞ - While the hopes of the youth, whose rights were usurped, for the future are increasing, the young people working for the Green Left Party in Muş stated that they want to live freely and that they will go to the polls to end the captivity in the country.
As Turkey prepares for the May 14 elections, all those who were aggrieved during the AKP period are counting the days to demand an account of their usurped rights. Young people, one of these segments, say that they will hold the AKP-MHP government to account at the ballot box. Young people working under the umbrella of the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) in Muş want the captivity to end.
Halit Yüksek, who said that the whole society will see the will of the youth on the 14th of May, said: "The 20-year rule has squeezed the youth into the public sphere, corrupted them, dragged them into drugs and prostitution, and deprived them of ethical and moral values. The youth will be held accountable for the 20-year destruction at the ballot box. Young people will go to this election with a strong will and voice by supporting the Green Left Party. We will be at the ballot box to hold accountable for all the dirty policies that exist."
Expressing that the government has isolated young people from their traditions and customs during this twenty-year period, and the biggest examples of this are the fact that they have opened numerous universities. “The method of imprisoning young people completely in university classrooms is used in the universities they opened. None of our university students can find a job anyway. If we are going to school for 20 years, we have to get paid for it. On May 14, under the umbrella of the Green Left Party, we will hold accountable all governments and mentalities that usurped our rights.”
Ronay Akman, who stated that as the Kurdish people, they have been exposed to oppression and obstacles in every field for years, said: “We are on the eve of an election, and the oppression and persecution still continue. We can no longer express our thoughts properly. As soon as we speak, we either go to prison or are taken into custody. We don't want this anymore. We want to live like free youth. There are always prisoners in this country. I will vote to end this captivity."