Statement from HDP: Confrontation is the first step for social peace4

  • actual
  • 14:32 24 April 2023
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ANKARA - Making a statement on the 108th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, HDP MYK called for confrontation and emphasized that social peace can only be achieved in this way.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Committee (MYK) commemorated those who lost their lives in the deportation and genocide that started with the deportation of Armenian intellectuals on April 24, 1915. In the written statement, a call was made to confront the Armenian Genocide. The statement said: "Facing historical truths, apologizing to aggrieved peoples and beliefs, resorting to restorative justice, understanding each other and healing historical wounds with a sincere approach are indispensable steps for a common future."
Emphasizing that the genocide that started with the Armenians continued on other Christian peoples as well, it was noted that: “To erase differences and create a homogeneous society; to make the understanding of one race, one religion, one language prevail; The goal of making people forget that different peoples and beliefs live in these lands has continued since then. The fact that no ethnic identity, language, culture or belief on these lands is superior to another has still not been accepted socially and politically. Confronting crimes against humanity is an important step towards establishing a common and equal future and social peace. Postponing facing the shames that make our geography barren does not serve social peace and speaking the truth. As the ancient peoples of Anatolia and Mesopotamia, we share 108 years of suffering with these feelings and thoughts, we hear the Great Disaster, this human tragedy in the depths of our hearts, and we once again commemorate those who lost their lives in that process with sadness and respect.”