Operation against journalists, politicians, lawyers and artists: Multiple detainees

  • actual
  • 08:44 25 April 2023
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NEWS CENTER – Many people, including journalists, politicians, lawyers and artists, were detained in house raids in many cities.
A large number of houses were raided in some cities, citing an investigation that was allegedly started in Amed(Diyarbakır). During the searches of the houses, the police confiscated some books and digital materials. Journalists, politicians and many people, including our agency's editor Abdurrahman Gök, our agency reporter Ahmet Kanbal, Yeni Yaşam Newspaper Editorial Manager Osman Akın, Xwebûn Privilege Owner Kadri Esen; Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Amed Branch Co-chair lawyer Halise Dakalı, lawyers Özüm Vurgun, Bünyamin Şeker, Berdan Acun, Pirozhan Karali, press advisor to Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, Sezen Mercan and Yavuz Akkuzu, Özcan Ateş and Elvan Koçer Yıldırım from Amed City Theater, were detained in the raids.
At least 4 people were detained in house raids in Riha(Urfa). In the house raid in Siverek district, ÖHD member lawyer Metin Özbadem as well as politician Halil Delen, Havva Bildik and Habat Mimkara were detained. It was learned that house raids and detenees were also carried out in Pirsûs (Suruç) and Wêranşar (Viranşehir) districts within the scope of the same file.
Mezopotamya Agency (MA) licensee Ferhat Çelik, on the other hand, could not be detained because he was not at the address where the raid was made.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Tayyip Temel, who condemned the detentions on his Twitter account, shared the following message: Early in the morning, dozens of our friends, including MYK(Central executive committee) members, co-chairs, journalists, artists and lawyers, were detained in Amed(Diyarbakır)...
You will not be able to avoid losing!”
Condemning the detentions, the Amed Bar Association made the following statement: “The houses of our members of our Bar, journalists and rights defenders were raided early in the morning within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, pursuant to the search and detention decision of the Diyarbakır 3rd Criminal Court of Peace and detentions were made. Fundamental rights and freedoms are interfered with in a very arbitrary way, and there is a process in which rights defenders, especially lawyers, professional organizations and non-governmental organizations are targeted by the judiciary and exposed to criminal threats. It is observed that protection measures such as arrest and detention are misused on rights defenders in an unwarranted, unnecessary and disproportionate manner. It is a requirement of a fair trial that those on trial be informed as soon as possible of the nature and causes of the accusations against them. There is a restriction decision and a ban on lawyers' visits regarding the investigation file regarding our colleague, and his lawyers are prevented from accessing and knowing the investigation file. The unlawful practice against our colleagues, journalists and rights defenders, which violates the right to freedom and security, must be stopped, and they must be released immediately.”
Diyarbakir Bar Association Deputy Chairperson Mehdi Özdemir stated that nearly 150 people were detained by the order of the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and said: "The operation is still continuing. Detentions continue. Searches continue in the offices of many of our lawyer friends. No reason has been given so far. There is no reason given to us. An operation aimed at different occupational groups. There are artists, politicians, NGO representatives and lawyers among them. It is a general investigation."
The Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), on the other hand, shared the information that journalists, artists, politicians and citizens were detained in Diyarbakır, Batman and Urfa in a statement on its Twitter account. The following statements were used in the statement: "This morning, as part of an investigation conducted in Diyarbakır, many of our members' houses were raided and detained. Searches continue in our association building. We do not remain silent against the political operation carried out against our association and our members during the election process! We have learned that journalists, artists, politicians and citizens from the provinces of Urfa were also detained. We will not remain silent against the political operation carried out against our association and other democratic institutions! Defense will not be silent! We will stand by our members, colleagues and clients!"
Details are coming...