Racist attack on the Green Left

ISTANBUL - A racist group attacking the Green Left Party's election vehicle in Arnavutköy yesterday injured party member Kamuran Güneş. Instead of going after the attackers, the police detained Güneş.
The election vehicle of the Istanbul Arnavut District Organization of the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) was attacked by a group of racists yesterday afternoon. In the attack that took place in the Islambey District, the driver of the vehicle, Kamuran Güneş, a member of the Green Left Party, was battered with digging tools. While the attackers fled the scene, Güneş, who was injured, was taken to Arnavutköy State Hospital.
After the news of the incident, the Green Left Party Arnavutköy District Co-chair Yavuz Kahraman and the party members went to the hospital. The party members, who were looking for Güneş, were first told by the hospital staff, "No casualty named Güneş was brought here." After the insistence of the party members, the hospital officials stated that Güneş was taken from the hospital by the police and taken to the Yavuz Selim Police Station in the district. It was learned that a report of assault was not given in the hospital for Güneş, who is still held in the police station with injuries. Güneş is expected to be taken to the Gaziosmanpaşa Courthouse after the police proceedings.