From the court to journalist Değer: Have you thought about joining the PKK?

ISTANBUL- When journalist Öznur Değer, who stated that she was accused of participating in “demonstration” without a time, place or name, was asked if she wanted to go to the mountains, Değer said: “Right now, I am being tried as a journalist here.”
The first hearing of the trial of 12 journalists, including Diren Yurtsever, the Editor-in-Chief of the Mezopotamya Agency (MA), who was detained on October 29, after being detained on October 25, 2022 as part of the investigation carried out by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, is at the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court, continues.
MA Editor-in-Chief Diren Yurtsever, MA reporters Berivan Altan, Ceylan Şahinli, Deniz Nazlım, Emrullah Acar, Hakan Yalçın and Selman Güzelyüz, JINNEWS reporters Habibe Eren and Öznur Değer, journalist Hamdullah Bayram, who was arrested on March 20, 2023 as part of the same investigation, Xinjiang where they were held He was brought to the hall from the Closed Prison. Journalists brought to the courtroom made the victory sign. Meanwhile, those present in the hall applauded the journalists. Zemo Ağgöz and Mehmet Günhan, who were on trial pending trial, were also present in the courtroom.
The family and relatives of the journalists, journalist Hüseyin Aykol, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) Teach Free, Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) Director Cuma Daş, International Press Institute (IPI), Turkey Journalists Union (TGS) Chairperson Gökhan Durmuş, DİSK Basın-İş Ankara Representative Turgut Dedeoğlu, Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD) Ankara Branch, Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and Human Rights Association (İHD) Ankara Branch representatives and many many people followed.
During the identification, the presiding judge asked the journalists one by one about her profession and whether she was literate. This caused laughter in the hall. Attorney Özgür Erol, who took the floor at the hearing, shared that Öznur Değer and Emrullah Acar demanded "defense" in Kurdish. The president of the court said that he had made a “fiction” in his mind and that he would first receive a defense from Diren Yurtsever, the Editor-in-Chief of MA. However, upon the insistence of the lawyers, the court accepted the request. Journalist Öznur Değer, who made her first defense at the hearing, thanked the lawyer, journalist, political party and non-governmental organization representative who followed the hearing for the follow-up of the case. Value, Who wanted to talk about herself before starting the defense, underlined that she defined herself as a Kurdish woman and a journalist, and that she is currently in the courtroom because of these identities, and she is defending in Kurdish because of these identities.
Değer, who considers journalism as a "lifestyle" for her,  said: "Journalism is a questioning endeavor. I turned to journalism by questioning myself, society and the universe. Journalists, journalism is a link in the writing of history. As we write, history is written. We provide information to the public on matters of public interest. For this reason, 33 Kurdish journalists were arrested in 11 months. I ask for them too? Why are they imprisoned?" 
Değer shared that JINEWS revealed this situation and said: “JINNEWS announces the cry of women to the whole world, to women. That's why I'm in JINNEWS today. Because it defends all women. Women hear what is happening in the Middle East and Turkey from JINNEWS. I say it once again; Bless JİNNEWS heart. I'm on trial for this sentence as well. That's why I repeat and underline it."
Stating that JINNEWS is terrorized, Değer pointed out the reason for this. Değer said: "Women were seen as 'criminals' for following and relying on JINNEWS.  JINNEWS is a value and alternative living space. All JINNEWS' employees are women; therefore, it is an alternative life. That's why I'm writing here today. That's why I hold my head high."
Condemning the presiding judge's reading of the secret witness's statement regarding the journalistic activities that have been compromised, Değer said: “I do not accept these being read. This is a method of discrediting. The presiding judge asked Değer, 'Have you thought about joining the PKK?' Değer  reacted by saying,  "I'm here right now and I'm doing journalism." The presiding judge asked Değer if she was working at JINNEWS of her own free will. Can't I have a will? Can't I work of my own free will?" She reacted that the court also asked who paid for the plane tickets.
The court adjourned the hearing for one hour.