Pre-election house raids in Hakkari: Dozens of detentions

HAKKARİ - Dozens of people were detained in house raids before the second round of elections in Colemêrg(Hakkari).
Detention operations continue unabated in cities where the Green Left Party received high votes before the presidential elections. In Colemêrg, where the Green Left Party held 3 out of 3 elections on May 14, many houses were raided early in the morning. It is stated that at least 30 people were detained in the raids. Persons accused of "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" and "being a member of a terrorist organization" are held in provincial and district police headquarters.
Some of the detained names are as follows: "Ömer Çıtak, Rojbin Şahinoğlu, Yusuf Şahinoğlu, Ferhat Toregün, Remziye Ürgün, Bedran Öğmen, Bedran Özdel, Vedat Doğan, Barış Kameri, Musa Yiğit, Naif Beyter and Bünyamin Seven."