Representatives of women's organizations: No vote for Erdogan

ISTANBUL - Women who describe the AKP-MHP government as "misogynistic" said: "We will replace it with the strength we derive from our struggle, anger and hope that we have not lost in the Presidential run-off elections to be held on Sunday."
While there are only a few hours left for the second round of the presidential election, ballot calls from many segments of the society continue. Representatives of women's organizations also called on all women to go to the polls tomorrow to vote for their vested rights and their future.
Stating that they will fight against the misogynistic policies of HUDA PAR and Yeninden Welfare Party, which are in the alliance established by the AKP-MHP,  Berivan Saruhan from the Women's Time Association said: "The AKP has increased its attacks on women's gains during its 21-year rule. The fact that the bargaining parties of the Istanbul Convention and the law no. 6284 are in the Parliament is nothing but misogyny. AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan, "Femicide has decreased in our period," there has never been such violence against women and femicide in any period of government. The President must have been in a dream world when he said this because all anti-democratic practices took place during the AKP period, and especially the Istanbul Convention was abolished, the law no. 6284 was not implemented in any way. Violence against women has reached its peak in homes and workplaces. There is no basis for these rumors. We will oppose this mentality to the end.”
Stating that their struggle against women and anti-LGBTI+ parties such as HUDA PAR will continue as well as the current government, Elif Baysal from Kırkyama Women's Solidarity Association continued: “It is still in our hands to say 'no' as we will come to the current understanding. We will replace it with the strength we draw from our struggle, our anger, and the hope we haven't lost. We will fall this mind and power that ignores us every day, turns us into enemies and covers our rights. For a safe and livable future and a breathable tomorrow, let's go to the polls on May 28 and send the only man. Whatever the outcome, we will continue to fight. Let's be at the ballot box on May 28 in order not to give up on each other and our lives with the strength we get from our struggle."
MA / Esra Solin Dal