Voted instead of those in Europe, the soldier said 'I can't interfere'

BİNGÖL - Soldiers in Çavuşlar village of Çewlîg(Bingöl) said to an observer from CHP, who objected to voting instead of voters in Europe: "This is the AK Party's place, I cannot intervene if there is a problem."
It has been determined that a voter cast more than one vote in the ballot box number 1282 in Yeni settlement Primary School in Çavuşlar village of Çewlîg. The CHP observer, who wanted to intervene in the situation, was asked to be expelled from the school by the AKP members. It soon became clear that the person in question had voted instead of some voters who had gone to Europe.
The CHP observer reported the incident to the gendarmerie. The soldiers said: “This is the AK Party's place, I cannot intervene if there is a problem. Watch the election, then go." Concerned for his safety, the observer was left for an oil office outside the village, accompanied by the gendarmerie.