Gas bomb attack on villagers who oppose the practice of DEDAŞ

SIRNAK - Tensions broke out in the village of Delavêqesre in Hezex, after citizens objected to the transfer of electricity meters to poles.
Dicle Electricity Distribution Inc. (DEDAS) teams wanted to move the electricity meters to the poles in Delavêqesre village of Hezex (Idil) district of Şırnak. Village residents objected to this situation. The soldiers, who came to the village with the DEDAS teams, attacked the citizens with tear gas and water cannons. Citizens responded with stones and sticks. While many people, including women and children, were affected by the gas, many others were injured.
Gas bombs thrown by the soldiers caused fires in some fields; however, no intervention was made to the fire. Villagers put out the fire with their own means.
Tension in the village continues.