Debates on the new constitution: There should be equal citizenship

ISTANBUL - Stating that the aim of the new Constitution of AKP and Erdoğan is to build "Turkish Political Islam",  Ayşegül Devecioğlu, a member of the DIB Coordination Board said: "They are trying to put into effect a second 'Collapse Plan' for the Kurds."
Bringing up the debate on the new Constitution once again on the way to May the 14 and 28 election process, President Tayyip Erdoğan from AKP pointed to the post-election agenda and stated that after the elections, we will bring this issue to the agenda of both our nation and our parliament. Ayşegül Devecioğlu, a member of the Union for Democracy (DIB) Coordination Board, made evaluations on the debate on the new Constitution, which targets women's gains and includes regulating women's attire.
Devecioğlu, who described the current Constitution as "monist", underlined that it was built on Turkism and Sunism. Stating that this Constitution, which represents the male order and institutionalizes the central tutelage, needs to be changed, Devecioğlu said: “However, it is not correct to talk about the new Constitution at a time when the society is suppressed, intimidated and dissidents are thrown into prisons. A new constitution cannot be discussed under these conditions.”
Drawing attention that Erdoğan's new Constitution was a "trap" and said that they observed this especially during the election process, Devecioğlu said: "A policy that polarizes the society is being carried out during the election process. Erdoğan's aim is to build 'Turkish Political Islam'. They are trying to build Turkish Political Islam with the Presidency of Religious Affairs. They want to institutionalize Political Islam with the new Constitution. That's why they are trying to put the society under pressure with the force of the state."
Devecioğlu, who predicted that the new Constitution would not expand rights and freedoms, stated that the government wanted to prevent the peaceful solution of the Kurdish question with this move. Devecioğlu stated the following: “I consider the move to the new constitution as moves that will prevent the peaceful solution of the Kurdish Question, which has created both social and ecological consequences in Turkey for 50 years. The government is trying to activate a second "Plan of Collapse" for the Kurds with the new Constitution. The AKP wants to destroy the Kurdish people in Syria and Turkey with the new Constitution. It is necessary to know that the Free Cause Party (HUDA PAR) is actually a product of this. The current Constitution does not recognize the rights of the Kurds. This will become even more stringent with the new Constitution.”
Underlining that the current Constitution does not meet the needs of the society, Devecioğlu continued: “If we are talking about a Constitution that will meet the needs of the society, the society must first accept it. The new Constitution should respect women's rights, equal citizenship rights, education in mother tongue, ecological rights and sensitivities. It also needs to cover steps that strengthen local democracy.”
MA / Ferdi Bayram