HDP's statement from Madımak: Confrontation is a must for social peace

ANKARA - HDP, which published a message on the 30th anniversary of the Madımak Massacre, said: "The state and the government, which did not confront the massacre, still discriminate between peoples and beliefs today. An effective confrontation is essential for social peace and tranquility.
The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK) issued a written statement on the anniversary of the murder of 33 people at the Madımak Hotel on July 2, 1993. Reminding that the Madımak Massacre was the most painful massacre in history, the statement said: “Madımak Massacre; It had turned into a great disaster due to the government and the state's failure to intervene in time. Despite the intervening 30 years, all aspects of the massacre could not be clarified. The decision makers, who were the main perpetrators of the massacre, still could not be brought before the court. Therefore, the suspicions that there was a 'deep hand' in the massacre have still not been cleared.
Drawing attention that the massacre is a crime against humanity because it violates the right to life of people of different origins, beliefs and thoughts, the statement said: “It cannot be timed out. There is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity. Those who are partners in this crime, those who defend, protect and watch over the perpetrators of the massacre, and those who remain silent, are responsible despite the intervening 30 years. If the July 2, Madımak Massacre had been clarified in all its aspects; The Gazi and Ümraniye Massacres in 1995 might not have happened. The state and the government, which did not face both the Madımak and the Gazi Massacre, still discriminate between peoples and beliefs, and encourage discrimination between citizens with different identities and thoughts. State and power; As with the massacres of Koçgiri, Dersim, Maraş and Çorum, the state did not face the Madımak Massacre effectively. An effective confrontation is essential for social peace and tranquility. As HDP, we will continue our struggle to prevent the Madımak Massacre and its like from happening again and to reveal the real perpetrators, and we will continue to keep the social memory alive. We once again respectfully commemorate the souls who were murdered at the Sivas Madımak Hotel on July 2, 1993."