Akin: Stop the isolation policy

ANKARA - Condemning the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Green Left Party Co-Spokesman İbrahim Akın said:  "If you want to build an egalitarian and libertarian environment, first give up this isolation policy."
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokesperson İbrahim Akın spoke at the weekly Assembly group meeting. Akın referred to the Madımak Hotel massacre that took place on July 2, 1993. Expressing that it was one of the heaviest massacres in Turkey, Akın said: "This massacre was neither the first nor the last. A reality emerged with the Madımak massacre and that this cannot be ignored and that the massacre cannot be timed out."
Referring to the dialogue process that started with the great efforts of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Akın said: "Prosperity and the will to live together increased in this process. This process, people started to get hopeful, but the table was overturned by the sovereigns and AKP and the process was ended. A period of 'coup' started in Turkey and it has been going on for 8 years with the end of this period. If the isolation policy, especially the Kurdish problem, is not implemented, if a focus can be developed in the solution of the Kurdish problem in this country, it will be a solution issue that will play a key role. We believe that Turkey's multiple crises can be overcome if it is carried out in this period when the process of negotiation and struggle work together. We believe that one of the most important causes of multiple crises is the deadlock policy of the Kurdish problem; therefore, we are calling out to the power; give up on these apps! The detention of Merdan Yanardağ cannot eliminate the fact that isolation is a crime against humanity. Isolation is a crime, you can put those who object to isolation in dungeons, but this practice continues as a crime against humanity. We want to appeal to the power; If you want to build an egalitarian and libertarian environment in this country, first give up this isolation policy.”