Xîzan region where the operation continues bombed

BİTLİS - The area where the military operation has been going on for 12 days in Xîzan district is being bombed nonstop from the air.
Xûlepûr and Kekulan villages of Xîzan (Hizan) district of Bitlis were declared "Special Security Zones" for 15 days on July 14. The military operation in the forbidden zone continues on its 12th day. In addition, the region is bombarded with helicopters incessantly. It was learned that fire broke out in some areas where the operation continued. It was recorded that while the fields of the villagers were damaged, camera traps and MOBESE cameras were placed all over the region.
Today, a large number of helicopters heavily bombarded the rural areas of the village again. Villagers reported that their relatives were scanned and the operation was concentrated in the village of Best.