Journalist Avesta: KDP has lost its legitimacy

  • actual
  • 11:28 22 October 2023
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that the KDP has lost its legitimacy with its cooperation with Turkey, journalist Aysel Avesta said: "KDP is betraying, there is no salvation of KDP and it brought its own end."
Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria continue uninterruptedly. The attacks launched on April 17, 2022 against the Zap, Metina and Avaşin regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region were expanded in cooperation with the KDP. Türkiye is establishing permanent bases by settling in the areas opened by the KDP. In response to this, there are violent conflicts in the region. Journalist Aysel Avesta, who follows Turkey's attacks closely, said that the goal is to create a "Kurdless region".
Stating that Turkey used the KDP as a ring to implement its plans for the region, Avesta said: "KDP has tried every way and method to prevent the resistance of the Kurdish people. It has used many methods so far. One of these methods is to evacuate the villages in the region and use agents. Its aim was to prevent the reaction of the people of Bashur and to spread fear in order to prevent their organization. Attacks on the pioneers of the Kurdish people are aimed at preventing the growth of the freedom struggle. By attacking the KNK building and massacring Kurdish patriots and pioneers in the streets, the Turkish state wants to create an internal contradiction in the society of Southern Kurdistan. This is the resistance and unity of the Kurdish people because if the unity of the Kurdish people is achieved, the plans of the Turkish state will be in vain. The Turkish state wants to fragment this unity with the KDP and leave it fragmented. It aims to destroy the status in Southern Kurdistan, Rojava, Makhmur and Shengal with this betrayal. KDP is in the service of the Turkish state and is doing its best to fulfill its demands."
Adding that the KDP had lost its legitimacy after the meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Avesta said: “Those who have trusted the KDP until now have lost their trust with this image. KDP brought its own end with this last collaboration. KDP is no different from AKP and MHP for the Kurdish people. KDP acts not only with the Turkish state against the gains of the Kurdish people, but also with the Iraqi state to destroy the system based on democratic nation principles. Upon the request of the Turkish state, he signed the Shengal Agreement with the Baghdad government. KDP responds to the Kurdish people's call for unity by continuing its cooperation with the Turkish state.``
Stating that Turkey aims to clear the region of Kurds but the fight against its aim has frustrated them, Avesta said: "One of the policies of the Turkish state is to empty the Southern Kurdistan region of civilians and weaken the resistance of the people. They use chemical weapons, phosphorus weapons. They also use their military forces, gangs and all kinds of forces under their control against the guerrillas with the help of the KDP. They are trying to break this resistance by betrayal; however, the will shown in Zap is much greater than their army and power."