People protest against trustees

  • actual
  • 14:16 29 October 2023
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ŞIRNEX - The anniversary of the appointment of a trustee to Cizîr Municipality was protested under the police blockade. HEDEP MP Zeki İrmez stated that they do not recognize the trustees, whom he described as "the usurpation of will".
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Şirnex(Şırnak) Provincial Organization came together in front of the party's building in the district on the anniversary of the appointment of a trustee to Cizîr Municipality. Many people, including Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Şirnex MP Zeki İrmez and Cizîr Municipality Co-Mayors Mehmet Zırığ and Berivan Kutlu, who were appointed trustees, came together and wanted to make a statement.
Police blockaded all roads leading to the party building early in the morning. The police stated that the statement would not be allowed due to the "2-day ban on protests and events". The police closed the door with barriers to prevent the group who wanted to leave the district building in front of the door. They were protested by police obstruction, shields and grabs.
HEDEP MP Zeki İrmez drew attention that it is the 100th anniversary of the republic and said: "The establishment of the republic was founded on the usurpation of the rights of the Kurdish people. The Kurds pursue democratic politics to live freely and equally. The trustees were appointed to the municipalities in 2016 and 2019. We did not accept the trustees."
Cizîr Municipality Co-Mayor Berivan Kutlu said that the trustees were "a reflection of AKP's desperation". Kutlu said that the AKP is trying to achieve what it could not achieve in politics through trustees, and stated that unlawful acts are being continued by the trustees.
The crowd frequently chanted slogans such as "We will win by resisting" and "Pressures cannot deter us".