March from lawyers to the Supreme Court

  • actual
  • 17:07 10 November 2023
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ANKARA – Lawyers gathered in front of the Ankara Courthouse upon the call of the Turkish Bar Association and marched towards the Supreme Court, saying "No to the coup". TBB President Erinç Sağkan stated that the Constitution was violated and that the judiciary should solve the resulting problem.
 After the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals filed a criminal complaint against the members of the court against the decision of the Constitutional Court (AYM), which gave a violation decision against the detained TİP MP Can Atalay, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TTB) invited all lawyers to Ankara to start a "Rule of Law March". 
The Ankara Bar Association also called on its members to gather at the Ankara Courthouse, saying: "We are marching to the Supreme Court against the Supreme Court's attempt to liquidate the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey" with the call made on its social media account.
Lawyers gathered in front of the courthouse and marched towards the Supreme Court with the slogan "No to the coup".
The lawyers were stopped by the police on Necatibey Street. The lawyers, who did not listen to the police who insisted that they hold a representative march, continued to march.
Then the lawyers went to Eskişehir road. One lane of the road was closed to traffic by the police.
Continuing their march, the lawyers reached the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB). Speaking here, TBB President Erinç Sağkan stated that the Constitution was violated and said:“The process we are in is not an issue that we can interpret as a simple difference in judges or jurisprudence. The process we are in cannot be called a conflict between institutions. The process we are in is a process in which the second article of the Constitution is clearly ignored, and it is now being discussed and decided whether we are a state of law or not."