'Obstacles to the physical freedom of Öcalan must be removed'

  • actual
  • 16:28 13 November 2023
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İZMİR - Representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations leading the "Freedom March" activities in Izmir called for participation in the "Freedom March" to be held in Gemlik on November 18 and said: "The obstacles to Öcalan's physical freedom should be removed."
A press conference was held at the HDP provincial building regarding the "Freedom March" to be held in Gemlik on November 18, under the leadership of İzmir Representation, Anatolian Assistance and Solidarity Association with Families Who Lost Their Relatives (ANYAKAY-DER), People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP), Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), People's Democratic Party (HDP), Aegean Prisoner and Convict Families Assistance Association (EGE-TUHAYDER), People's Democratic Congress (HDK), Democratic Regions Party ( DBP) 
Speaking at the press conference, HDP Izmir provincial director Mahsum Koç stated that the AKP-MHP government, with the support of international forces, has further deepened and made permanent the isolation policies that have been ongoing against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for 25 years. Koç said: “The aim of these isolation policies is the elimination of democratic rights. The isolation policy on Mr. Öcalan has been transformed into absolute lack of communication and deep isolation for the last 33 months. This approach is not only contrary to the existing legal system, but also illegitimate. The political power uses isolation policies as a litmus tool to instrumentalize fascism and makes these illegal and anti-democratic practices vital." 
Stating that the non-solution of the Kurdish issue and the conflict and chaotic environment in the Middle East are directly responsible for the implementation of isolation policies, Koç said: "If these isolation policies had not been implemented on Öcalan, there would be no crisis like the Syrian crisis today, nor this conflict and chaotic environment in Southern Kurdistan or Northern Syria. Again, Israel's attacks against the Palestinian people would not have been carried out with such reckless and brutal methods. These isolation policies should be abandoned as soon as possible, obstacles to Mr. Öcalan's physical freedom should be removed, and direct communication between him and the democratic society should be ensured." 
In order to defend peace against the politics of war and freedom against the policies of isolation, Stating that they will hold the "Freedom March" in Gemlik on November 18 with the slogan "Freedom for Mr. Öcalan, a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, Koç said: "For this reason, We invite all segments of society, especially the Kurdish people, Turkey's labor and democracy forces, religious, cultural and all social, all peoples who long for a world and a country that supports justice, peace and freedom, to our march and our common resistance for the construction of a democratic society."