Bar Association President: Elçi's murder case is being dragged into impunity

  • actual
  • 14:08 30 November 2023
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AMED - Drawing attention that the Tahir Elçi case was drifting towards impunity and Êlih Bar Association President Erkan Şenses said: "At the hearing on March 6, the 3 defendant police officers will most likely be acquitted."
The 9th hearing of the case filed regarding the death of Tahir Elçi, the former President of the Amed Bar Association, who was murdered in front of the historical Four-Legged Minaret in Amed's Sur district on November 28, 2015, was held yesterday at Diyarbakır 10th High Criminal Court. While all requests of the lawyers were rejected at the hearing, it was decided to send the file to the prosecutor's office for opinion.
Êlih Bar Association President Erkan Şenses
Erkan Şenses, President of the Êlih Bar Association, one of the lawyers who condemned the decision, said: "The court panel made the decision based on the decision. At the hearing to be held on March 6, all three defendant police officers will most likely be acquitted from the file. Today's 12 interim decisions show that."
Stating that the Elçi case is heading towards impunity, Şenses said: "We, as the bar association and legal institutions, will be against all kinds of unlawfulness. We will take the case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) if necessary. We will continue the necessary struggle to reveal the perpetrators in this file and the people behind the perpetrators."
Stating that there is no 13-second footage in the footage taken by the photo-film branch on the day of the incident, Şenses said: "The police officer who shot the footage claimed that he had gone off the record during the shooting; however, this claim has not been the subject of any scientific report. The court even refrained from receiving this scientific report. The court was not after the material truth. The decision on this file is wanted to be issued hastily. The murder and assassination of Elçi is being dragged into impunity. The trial of the assassination of Elçi, who devoted his life to the fight against impunity and serious human rights violations, should not be like this. The state owes Tahir Elçi a fair trial and we want that debt to be paid."