Turkey for attack to Garê, evacuated 161 villages

  • actual
  • 12:42 14 March 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Pointing out that Turkey is preparing to attack Garê, journalist Botan Germiyani said: "As a result of the attacks, 161 villages have been evacuated so far. 602 villages are at risk of being evacuated."
The attacks launched by Turkey against the Zap, Metina and Avaşin regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 17, 2022, with the cooperation of the Kurdistan Democrat Party (Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistanê-KDP), are intended to be continued with new settlement areas. While meeting traffic has intensified in the Hewlêr-Bağdar-Ankara triangle in the last month, it is stated that Turkey is preparing to launch a new and comprehensive attack against the region.
Speaking after the cabinet meeting held a week ago, AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan said: “We continue the fight against terrorism with determination, regardless of the obstacles inside and outside our borders. We will have resolved the issue regarding our Iraqi borders this summer." 
While the meeting traffic continues, Turkey continues to bomb civilian settlements.
Journalist Botan Germiyani, who closely follows the developments in the Federated Kurdistan Region, noted that there were 428 attacks on civilian settlements in the last 2 months and many civilians lost their lives in these attacks. Germiyani evaluated the events in the region to our agency.
Journalist Germiyani stated that there have been 428 attacks on civilian areas in the last 2 months alone and said: “The Turkish state is expanding its invasion attacks against Southern Kurdistan every year. Civilian areas are also the target of these attacks. In August 2015, there were attacks on civilian areas. During this period, 154 civilians lost their lives as a result of the attacks of the Turkish state. 220 civilians were injured. These attacks were carried out through bombardment or assassination. The Turkish state continues to attack civilian areas this year. It carried out 428 attacks on civilian areas in just 2 months. Most of these attacks were carried out by unmanned aerial vehicles and warplanes. The attacks were carried out mostly in Sulaymaniyah, Duhok, Hewlêr, Ninnova and Shengal."
Germiyani attributed the KDP government's indifference to these attacks to its cooperation with the Turkish state and said: “One of the main attacks of the Turkish state is to target patriots. The aim is to break the will of the people, put distance between the people and the freedom movement, and intimidate the people. Their other goal is to capture Bashur. That's why they don't see anyone as an obstacle to them. They are carrying out the genocidal policy against Bashur Kurdistan with all kinds of pollution. Unfortunately, Bashur Kurdistan has a faction government. Turkey uses KDP in line with its own interests and goals. This government has fallen into the hands of a family and this family uses it not for its own people, but for the interests of the occupying state. Many of these government officials are in the KDP's intelligence protection agencies and are members of the KDP. These people put themselves at the service of the Turkish state at every opportunity. They also easily carry out the policy of genocide against Southern Kurdistan. Many civilians were killed as a result of the attacks of the Turkish state, but the current government has not yet taken a stance against these attacks. Even if they speak, they either legitimize or hide the crime of the Turkish state. They constantly make excuses and legitimize these attacks."
Drawing attention to the Turkey-KDP traffic, Germiyani said: "Turkey's ministers met with KDP officials and Zerwani officials in the territory of Southern Kurdistan. They also met with KDP's intelligence. In addition, Iraq's military wing also took part in these meetings. When we look at it, you will see that they are making plans to invade Kurdistan. Turkey has admitted that Iraq is an important part of the invasion, both military and intelligence. KDP officials also support them. Their meetings are even held at the KDP headquarters. How come they have Kurdish forces in their hands? How come they together at the Zerewani base with Turkish officials who are the blood of their children?"
Germiyani emphasized that the reason behind Turkey's targeting of civilians is displacement and shared the following information: "The Turkish state is now preparing for a comprehensive operation. Minister of Defense Yaşar Güler announced that it will do this with the help of Iraqi and KDP officials. The Turkish state is evacuating the villages of the people in the border areas. KDP is0 currently playing its main role by implementing this policy. They want to completely depopulate the border areas. As a result of the attacks of the Turkish state, 161 villages have been evacuated so far, and 602 villages are under the threat of evacuation. This year alone, 3 villages in the Amediye region have been evacuated. These three villages were forcibly evacuated due to the attacks of the KDP and the Turkish state."
Adding that Turkey was preparing to attack Garê, Germiyani said: "In the spring of this year, air mobility increased in the Berwarî region in the border region of the Turkish state. They established 4 bases there on April 23, 2021. But these bases were separate from each other. One of the bases Kirste, one in Malarid, one in Keflesor and the other in Qawelhirur. But they were connected to each other through a military network. Later, they connected these four bases to Heftanin. Their goal is to attack Garê Mountain once again this year. Garê Mountain is 39 kilometers long and it is 22 kilometers away from Turkey. But it is in a very strategic place and the Turkish state has not been able to occupy it so far. It attacked Garê on February 13, 2021, but suffered a great defeat. And this was a historical defeat for them. To fight again in the place where they were defeated and wants to occupy. Garê is also a strategic place that connects Dihok and Hewler district and connects Mergesor with Amediye and Berwari. That's why they are preparing to attack Garê. According to the information we received from local sources; KDP is helping the Turkish state and has actually become a part of these attacks. There is a great voice and great anger among the people against the attacks of the Turkish state. However, it is not large enough to respond to these attacks. The people condemn and stand against these attacks and the politics of betrayal."