Message from Kışanak to glorious Newroz: Now is the DEM to gain freedom

  • actual
  • 12:36 21 March 2024
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AMED - Sending a message to Amed Newroz, DEM Party Ankara Metropolitan Municipality candidate Gültan Kışanak said: "Life will win, freedom will win, Newroz will win. Now it is DEM to win life and freedom."

The finale of the Newroz celebrations held in Amed with the motto "Rabe dema azadî û serkeftinê ye (Rise up its time for freedom and success)" continues with all its enthusiasm. During the magnificent Newroz celebrations, the message of the prisoner Gültan Kışanak was read. Kışanak is arrested while she was once the Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor and is now the DEM Party Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Candidate.
Kışanak's message is as follows:
"I greet Amed Newroz with resilience and hope.
Greetings to those who gather around the Newroz fire...
Greetings to those who resist oppression...
Greetings to those who burn with the love of freedom... 
Greetings to those who carry the Newroz torch from hand to hand...
Newroz is a historical legacy that brings people together in the celebration of freedom and peace.
History, have hope! Your legacy is in safe hands.
Newroz has more special meanings for the Kurds, but Newroz is the common holiday of all the peoples of the Middle East and the Caucasus, and in this sense it is extremely important.
So, if we can share our holidays together; We can share our pains and share our solutions.
Newroz is the herald of spring. Newroz fire is a holiday that leaves all the cold and dark winter behind and heralds warm new hopes in everyone's hearts. It is like this for all peoples.
Newroz is the herald of spring and change. When Newroz comes, we leave the dark winter behind and open our doors to the warmth and colorful spring of Newroz. Therefore, Newroz is the spring of the oppresseds and wrongeds; It is the black winter of oppressors and despots. Because the essence of life is freedom, oppression and slavery are inventions of the rulers. Life always resists and wins to reach its essence. This time too it will be like that, life will win, freedom will win, Newroz will win.
Newroz DEM is now the DEM of gaining life and freedom!
Em li vir bûn, em li vir in û em ê her dem li vir bin. (We were here, we are here and we will be here)
Gultan Kışanak"