Male violence in Izmir


İZMİR - Umut Aktaş shot his two daughters with a firearm. While one of his daughters died, the other daughter was seriously injured.

In Izmir, Umut Aktaş shot his two daughters, one 6 years old and the other 10 years old, with a firearm. As a result of the attack, 6-year-old Tuğçe lost her life and S. A. was seriously injured.
Umut Aktaş met with Elif Aktaş (30), from whom he was in the process of divorce, with the intervention of his family elders. After Umut Aktaş did not accept Elif Aktaş's offer of reconciliation, he entered the house under the pretext of collecting his belongings and shot his two children with a gun. He later attempted suicide.
Upon notice, police and medical teams were dispatched to the place. After the first aid provided by the medical teams, two children and Umut Aktaş were taken to the hospital.
Tuğçe Aktaş lost her life. It was learned that the treatment of S.A. and the attacker Umut Aktaş continued, they have a risk of death.