DEM Party calls on AKP to 'cut relations with Israel'

ANKARA - Condemning Israel's Welfare attack, DEM Party Co-Chairs Tuncer Bakırhan and Tülay Hatimoğulları called on the AKP to cut military and commercial relations with Israel. 
People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan condemned Israel's attack on the tent camp in Rafah in the Gaza Strip last night. 
In her post on her X (Twitter) account, Hatimoğulları stated that the Israeli government knows no limits in the massacre and said: "We condemn in the strongest terms the bomb attack carried out by the Israeli army on the tents of displaced Palestinians in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. These continuous attacks are an indication that the Israeli government knows no limits in its massacre. The biggest reason why the attacks expanded to Rafah is the attitude of the world states, especially the regional states, that led to the massacre. In order for the war to stop, countries must give up pretentious attitudes."
Continuing her post with the words, "The only way to stop this massacre is for the people of the world to stand in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and call on their governments to take an active stance against Israel." Hatimoğulları demanded an immediate ceasefire. Hatimoğulları stated that they stand by the Palestinian people and will continue to raise their objections. 
Co-Chair Bakırhan stated in his post that the Netanyahu government's attacks against Refah, which include crimes against humanity, continue. Bakırhan stated the following in his post: "A great massacre is being carried out against the oppressed Palestinians in front of the eyes of the world. The states of the world either remain silent and become complicit in this series of massacres, or they cannot show a strong will to stop Israel. We condemn the Netanyahu government, which continues its massacres in Rafah. We are calling on the people, not the states. Everyone should protest for the oppressed Palestinian people from where they stand and force their governments to take steps against the massacre." 
Emphasizing that the AKP has been giving token reactions to the attacks against the Palestinian people since the first day, Bakırhan said: "We are calling out to the AKP: Stop managing perception. Cut off all military and commercial relations." 
According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, Israeli warplanes bombed the tents of displaced Palestinians living near the area where the United Nations (UN) United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) warehouses are located in the northwest of Rafah.