‘Those responsible must be held accountable’


ANKARA - DEM Party Parliamentary Deputy Chair Sırrı Süreyya Önder, who attended the protest of earthquake victims' families, said those responsible must be held accountable before justice. 

Döne Kaya, who lost 4 members of her family in Antakya in the Mereş earthquakes of February 6, 2023, continued her vigil demanding a "fair trial" at Ulus Square for the 10th week. Kaya's protest this week was attended by Sema Olukpınar, who demanded justice for her 9-year-old son who lost his life in the Saitbey Housing Estate in Mereş, as well as many people who lost relatives in the earthquake. Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Parliamentary Deputy Speaker of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), also attended this week's protest. 
Speaking at the protest, Döne Kaya said: "Every day that passes without justice, my pain increases exponentially. The prosecutor's office, which has 'republic' in front of its name, has not opened a case for 17 months. The prosecutor's office is holding back from revealing who killed the citizens of the Republic of Turkey who died on February 6.  You know who is guilty, from the contractor to the ministry. So where is justice?" 
Emphasizing that the building where 65 people and their relatives lost their lives was built according to the 1997 directive instead of the current earthquake directive, Kaya also noted that Antakya Municipality, which signed the ground survey, was also responsible. Pointing to the expert report, Kaya shared that the building was built on alluvial soil. Stating that this was condoned, Kaya said: "How can this building located on the Amik Plain have a perfect ground? The assessment did not take into account the fact that the foundation system of the building was not screened from 4 sides, which could lead to irregularities." 
Pointing out that the buildings were built with public permission and therefore public officials are responsible, "I don't want to die again. Let the responsible public officials be prosecuted. The highest responsibility here lies with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change" Kaya said. 
Afterwards, DEM Party Deputy Parliament Speaker Sırrı Süreyya Önder spoke. Önder underlined that he also participated in the protest as a family of earthquake victims. Önder said: "We lost dozens of relatives in Adıyaman in the earthquake and our houses were destroyed. Now we are trying to be a voice in Parliament for the families who are seeking rights and justice. There are two grave points here; the first is that if justice is not served, families seeking justice, earthquake victims will be buried under the rubble every day. Every day this pain increases exponentially. If there is no justice, the light of a country goes out. Those responsible must be held accountable before justice.”