Death threats and beatings in Tekirdağ and Kocaeli prisons

  • actual
  • 16:26 15 August 2024
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TEKİRDAĞ / KOCAELİ - A prisoner in Tekirdağ Type F Closed Prison No. 2 stated that he was threatened with death by the prison director, chief wardens and psychologist, while DEM Party MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu stated that a prisoner was beaten in Kocaeli Type F Closed Prison No. 2.

Abdulkadir Bozkurt, a prisoner in Tekirdağ Type F Closed Prison No 2, shared with his family that he was threatened with death. Bozkurt told his older sister Özlem Bozkurt about the incident during their weekly phone call and stated that he was put in a cell called “bird cage” where he was forced to take off his clothes. Bozkurt said that she was then tortured and threatened with death by the guards. 
Stating that the prison director, chief wardens and a psychologist were among those who threatened her brother, Bozkurt said: “A week ago they put him in a ‘bird cage’ and beat him naked. My brother said, 'They might kill me'.” Sister Bozkurt stated that they were worried about her brother and called for sensitivity. 
Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Mersin MP Ali Bozan asked a parliamentary question to the Ministry of Justice about the torture and death threats against Bozkurt. 
Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, DEM Party Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu shared on his X account that Adem Dinç, a prisoner in Kocaeli Type F Closed Prison No 2, was raided and beaten by the wardens. 
Gergerlioğlu included the statements of prisoner Dinç's lawyer Hanna Baytürk in his post and shared these statements as follows: “On Friday, August 9th, at around 11:00 in the morning, head guard Taner Şahin and several guards came to the room for a search. During the search, which lasted 30-45 minutes, all belongings of the prisoners in the room were scattered, no respect was shown to the private space of the prisoner and 2 books were confiscated. During the search, Taner Şahin said to the clients, 'You offend me, you misspelled my last name in your petitions, you will call me Taner President' and tried to provoke the atmosphere.
After the search, Mehmet Alçınkaya, Mustafa Doğan and Adem Dinç, who were staying in the room, were first taken to an empty room. After half an hour, Adem Dinç was taken out of the room alone and was told 'you will pack your things' and taken back to his old room. While he was packing his belongings, Taner Şahin said 'You will shoot guns against my soldiers and police officers and you will not stay here comfortably' and then tried to hit Adem Dinç, and when Adem Dinç raised his arms to his face to protect himself, the punch hit his arm. Then 2 guards who were with them held Adem Dinç's arms and a guard squeezed his throat, while Taner Şahin hit Adem Dinç's face 3 times again. Due to these blows, the area around Adem Dinç's right eye was swollen and blood collected inside his eye.”