Can Atalay session: Şık attacked by AKP deputy Özalan

  • actual
  • 15:41 16 August 2024
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ANKARA - Ahmet Şık was attacked by AKP deputy Alpay Özalan while speaking at the Can Atalay session. 

Parliament's General Assembly convened following an extraordinary call by opposition parties for imprisoned deputy Can Atalay. Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chairs Tuncer Bakırhan and Tulay Hatimoğulları as well as CHP Chair Özgür Özel attended the plenary session. 
Bekir Bozdağ, who chaired the Parliament, gave the floor to Ahmet Şık of the Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP). Speaking on the floor of the Assembly, Şık reacted harshly against AKP members, saying, “We are not surprised that you call Can Atalay a terrorist, since you call everyone who is not one of you ‘terrorists’.” 
Upon these remarks, Deputy Speaker Bekir Bozdağ adjourned the parliament. After the break, Şık took the floor again and used the same statements again. Thereupon, the parliament was recessed again. 
Meanwhile, AKP member Alpay Özalan attacked Şık. During the attack by AKP members, Özalan's fist hit DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit. Koçyiğit's eyebrow was injured during the fight. 
Details are coming...