Uzgel: Palestine question is a question of interior politics in Middle East 2020-02-03 10:37:40 ANKARA – In his assessment of the "Middle East Peace Plan” Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel stated: “Even though a two-state solution have been voiced under this plan, but this does not include a state project in the sense that we understand. A governance under Israeli pressure that could not be even considered as autonomy.” The debates on The Middle East 'peace plan' discussions, which the US President Donald Trump announced with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as “The Plan of the Century", Foreseeing Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel includes a conditional independent state proposal for Palestine.  Reactions to the plan, on the other hand, which gives the opportunity to divide, melt and easily intervene Palestinian territories, are limited.    ‘STRENGTHENING THE ISRAEL’   Expressing that the plan is a move that strengthens Israel's hand in the Palestinian question, Uzgel said, “The peace plan is always between two parties.  The parties of the problem come together, set their own borders and conduct negotiations.  The biggest problem about this plan is that this has been a plan made and declared by USA and Israel together. Therefore, this is a method outside of the general principles of peace processes. This indicates that there is no sincerity in the demand for peace.  Palestine was never asked about anything on the content..  This plan can be called a plan which shows in which way the peace processes should not be conducted.”      “TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT” MESSAGE TO PALESTINE   Prof. Uzgel underlined that Trump and Netanyahu announced a "Take it or leave it" message to Palestine. Uzgel continued his statement: “They know what is what wide awake when they say: ‘Look, we put a peace deal in front of you. It will be the deal of the century. If you do not comply with it, the rest is up to you. This time, a bigger punishment mechanism will come’. There are settlements in Palestinian territories that are occupied by Israel against international law. They will justify this invasion over time. In other words, from now on, the pressure on Palestine will increase even more.”   ‘THE CHANCE FOR THE FOUNDATION OF PALESTINE IS BEING DESTROYED’   Saying that the Palestinian Movement is experiencing the its most vulnerable time in its history, Uzgel points out that the Palestinian movement is left without any international supporters, and that the decision will not be reflected in the Middle East due to the split of the Palestinian movement within itself. Uzgel said, “Actually, it is not such a case that would reflect in the entire Middle East geography. Because Palestinians do not have such power. They do not have the power to turn this into a major Middle East crisis. Therefore, they will feel more pressure. The Palestinian question will come to a deadlock gradually. There will be such consequences. The possibility of a Palestinian Nation State to be formed is almost destroyed. Even though a two-state solution have been voiced under this plan, but this does not include a state project in the sense that we understand. A governance under Israeli pressure that could not be even considered as autonomy.”   ‘THE REACTION OF TURKEY IS BASED ON SHOW’   Regarding the silence for the plan on the international level, which means the disposal of Palestine, Uzgel said: “First of all, the Palestinian movement is a very old movement, the question is very old. There is a saturation, just like the Cyprus question. Second, there is a reaction, but a very limited one. Palestinians came from Iran and Turkey. ASsa matter of fact Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries are not in a position to fall outside the USA line. Therefore, countries have not set a clear line for something that is not about to happen. There is no chance to talk about any peace process unless Palestine accepts it. Therefore, other actors have chosen not to take side. Turkey's response is only on the verbal level, based on show. In other words, they are reactions, which aim the public in the national level, and so reaction of Turkey does not carry a real content. These reactions have no solid outcome. After all, Erdoğan is in close contact with Trump, who is responsible for all this. In short, the Palestinian question is a question of interiour politics in Middle East. Leaders or regimes consolidate their power by manipulating the Palestinian question. Erdoğan did the same. Any actor who wants to be a leader in Middle East does that.”