Woman politicians: It's time to defend the will of the people of Colemêrg

  • women
  • 11:10 4 June 2024
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ŞIRNEX - Emphasizing that all segments of society in favor of democracy should support the will of the people of Colemêrg, woman politicians said, "We all need to take a stand together."
Mehmet Sıddık Akış, who is elected as the Municipal Co-Mayor from the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) with 48.92 percent of the votes in the elections held on March 31 in Colemêrg, was appointed as a trustee to the municipality after he was taken into custody yesterday. Protests began in many cities against usurpation of will.
Evaluating the appointment of a trustee to Colemêrg Municipality for the third time, woman politicians from Botan emphasized "fighting together" against the usurpation of will.
DEM Party Şirnex Provincial Co-Mayor Nurcan Altürk stated that there is no other choice but to resist against the usurpation of will and said: “The appointment of trustees to municipalities has been continuing for three terms. Our Colemêrg municipality was usurped in 2016, 2019 and most recently in 2024. However, our people never accepted trustees and always resisted this mentality. Most recently, on March 31, our people went to the polls once again, asserted their will and re-elected the co-mayors of the municipality. Despite applying for dozens of votes, AKP neither usurped nor broke the will of the people of Colemêrg. Now it is taking revenge for this. The state has ceased to be a state, there is now an AKP state. Of course, the appointment of a trustee did not surprise us. If you live in Turkey, you come across such dirty policies every day. This dirty policy is being imposed on the Kurdish people. Now the responsibility of the Kurdish people is to resist. We have no choice but to resist. We also need to resist against this state that ignores us and ignores our will. We do not recognize those who do not recognize our existence, will and identity. We will do whatever is our part." 
DEM Party Hezex (İdil) District Co-Mayor Songül Erden stated that remaining silent would mean acceptance and said: “The usurpation of Hakkari Municipality is unlawful. The people expressed their will at the ballot box and you cannot ignore that. They clearly say 'we don't know you'. That's why we must not remain silent. Each of us must go to Hakkari from where we are. If we do not embrace Hakkari today, they will gradually usurp all our municipalities. That's why a voice must be raised. The Kurds must protect their existence and identity."
DEM Party Silopiya (Silopi) District Co-Mayor Elif Oruç also called on us to resist with the spirit of Wan against the usurpation of will. Oruç said: “The people claim their will in every election, but AKP comes later and usurps that will. During the 5-year trustee period, everything that belonged to these people was stolen and appropriated. However, the people gave the necessary response to this understanding on March 31. The people said 'enough is enough'. These people will not give up their will. No matter what they do, they cannot cope with this will. Just as the people of Wan resisted every minute, every hour and every day, we too must resist. We need to unite around our municipalities and our will."
MA / Zeynep Durgut