10:04 actual
January report from DFG: 4 journalists sentenced to 21 years
09:36 actual
HDP city council members denied access to meetings in city hall
16:32 actual
HDP Hakkari Provincial Organization: Prisoners are left to die
14:45 actual
27 women murdered by men in January
14:44 actual
Russia denies Turkish air strikes on Idlib
14:09 actual
Annotation on watchmen from HDP: AKP establishes its own internal army of despotism
12:34 actual
Inflation increased by 1.35 percent, according to TURKSTAT
12:26 actual
From Erdoğan to Russia: Our interlocutor is the regime, do not interrupt us
11:59 actual
HDP: Maxmur attacks show ISIS taking action
11:19 actual
Search conducted in Eskişehir Prison with Special Operations Teams
11:11 actual
'The struggle of Kurdish women is inspiring'
11:11 actual
Bakırköy Prison banned Kurdish newspaper stating it is in an 'undefinable language'
10:37 politics
Uzgel: Palestine question is a question of interior politics in Middle East
10:04 actual
Tension rises in İdlib: 4 soldiers lost their lives
09:49 actual
Canal opponents in Istanbul: There is life between the seas!
19:34 women
Free Women’s Movement (TJA) meeting concluded, Ayşe Gökkan elected as new spokeswoman
19:05 politics
Embraced by the people, HDP grows strong in Istanbul
19:01 politics
HDP Co-Chair Temelli is in Cizre: You should first solve the Kurdish problem
18:10 actual
Işık: Isolation is a war against Kurdish politics
17:35 actual
Yüksekdağ: A principled alliance could bring the end of AKP-Palace government
15:52 actual
The reason to ban Saturday Mothers: They disturb tourists
15:51 actual
3rd Women’s Meeting of TJA on second day
12:15 actual
Eren Keskin: Authorized violence is coming to our doorstep
11:31 actual
Free for everyone, banned for HDP: Humanitarian aids sent to the earthquake victims are confiscated
10:56 actual
Tents flied after storm, earthquake victims returned to damaged houses
17:05 youth
HDP Youth Assembly member detained
17:05 actual
Detained female politicians released
14:16 actual
TJA activist Aşkan detained
14:14 actual
Screening of 'İki Gözüm: Ahmet' movie terminated
13:24 actual
Families’ appeal to visit Imralı rejected
10:53 actual
FARC denounces plan to exterminate former guerrillas in Ituango
10:52 actual
484 citizens poisoned in Antep and Adıyaman
10:52 actual
10 months deferred prison sentence for 20 students, acquittal for 3 students
10:51 actual
4 people detained in Ankara
19:40 actual
Erdoğan spoke with the President of Palestine
19:31 actual
The decision for “Freedom to Öcalan” by the Constitutional Court
18:39 actual
Suruç Case: Felon’s dock is empty!
17:50 actual
She asked the isolation against Öcalan to the Minister of Justice
16:16 actual
‘If no result is achieved in the murder investigation of Tahir Elçi, we will apply to Constitutional Court’
15:48 actual
Isolation statement from Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD): We invite public to be sensitive
15:03 actual
Diyarbakır Co-Mayor Mızraklı faces up to 15 years of jail time
13:45 actual
Tuşba Co-Mayor Minaz detained
13:27 actual
Families applied to visit İmralı
13:26 actual
Amnesty from Erdoğan to Madımak Massacre offender
13:01 actual
2 miners trapped underground in mine collapse in Zonguldak
13:00 actual
'Undesirable fax' decision AYM sent to Öcalan: Written to keep motivation high
11:11 actual
Reactions from the street to the child abuse amnesty: It's a shame!
10:12 actual
New term HDP strategy will be 'Strong Democracy Alliance'
10:07 actual
Turkish Airlines says it suspends flights to China
10:06 actual
'International emergency' announcement due to coronovirus from World Health Organization