13:41 actual
First Verdict of Acquittal for Academics for Peace After Constitutional Court Ruling
13:40 actual
Strip search imposed on people visiting their relatives in Patnos Prison
13:30 actual
Democracy watch on day 19
13:22 actual
HDP MP Farisoğulları: Reject the AKP provocation
13:21 actual
Uruguayan deputies moved motion against trustees
13:21 actual
HDP councillors in Çaldıran and Edremit replaced by trustees
13:20 actual
Şener The expulsions in AKP will deepen the critisim in the voter base
11:43 actual
Trustee reaction from Çiftyürek: This is a swamp
11:43 actual
Soro: AKP's operation threats should be taken seriously
09:36 actual
Former Culture Minister Gunay: AKP plays the overtime
11:06 actual
Kurdish suspended on Diyarbakır Municipality web site
15:33 actual
Trustees were appointed to replace the dismissed councilors
15:33 actual
Strife in front of HDP Diyarbakır building
12:54 actual
PES calls for the release of Demirtaş
12:53 actual
Prohibition to sending letters to journalists from prisons
12:52 actual
Fine to co-chair for exiting HDP building
12:52 actual
ECHR: The statement 'Öcalan is my political will' is within the scope of freedom of expression
12:51 actual
Diyarbakır Bar Association President Aydın: Unlawfulness continues if the TMK definition remains unchanged
09:50 actual
İstanbul and Antalya Bar Associations called on to TTB for extraordinary congress
09:32 actual
Turkey repression and arrests to land at UN human rights session
09:32 actual
Berceto to grant honorary citizenship to Abdullah Ocalan
14:23 actual
DTK Co-Presidency council committee member detained
14:18 actual
Prosecution objected to the release decision of Demirtaş
14:13 actual
Trustee pays Erdoğan's 550 thousand TL worth of food fee
13:57 actual
Hasankeyf Coordination: 100 thousand people will have to migrate
12:49 actual
Filmmakers organise Peace Forum against trustees in Istanbul
12:46 actual
Day 16 of the sit in: We will win resisting
11:36 actual
Attorneys of Öcalan applied to visit İmralı
11:31 actual
Construction took 21 years, the road did not last for a year
11:30 actual
Fire in Kulp continues
10:42 actual
The photos taken by journalist in Newroz considered to be evidence of crime
10:18 actual
Right violations deepens in Kürkçüler Prison
16:42 actual
Unanimous release decision for Demirtaş
15:33 actual
ÖGİ: Pressures against journalists peak in August
15:19 actual
From İmamoğlu to Erdoğan: Who's the terrorist?
15:18 actual
15th day of the sit in: This is just the beginning
15:18 actual
HDP calls for the parliament to assemble
15:17 actual
Turkey's Economy Shrinks by 1.5 Percent in Second Quarter
11:45 actual
Conference in Berlin on peace and democracy in Turkey
11:45 actual
Demirtaş and his attorneys will not attend the hearing
10:46 actual
Cizre left with no water when the dam covers closed
09:35 actual
Is the counter-guerilla back in operation in Şırnak
09:10 actual
Father and two sons beaten and taken under custody
16:25 actual
Amed co-mayor calls on people to join World Peace Day rally
16:24 actual
Sit in in Diyarbakır starts with resistance songs and slogans
12:17 actual
Writes SETA report on journalists appointed as BİK representative
12:06 actual
Over half of the refugee children do not attend school, says UNHCR
12:06 actual
Mothers: We won't sit in the house, we'll protest in the streets!
12:05 actual
Families' application to go to Imralı rejected
11:35 actual
Women will be leading the rally on September 1