16:25 actual
Hunger striker prisoners sent to other prisons
16:24 actual
Health condition of Author Çınar on hunger strike is worsening
15:55 actual
AA changed their data: İmamoğlu took the lead
15:55 actual
The Uludere electors of AKP is on their way back!
15:23 actual
CHP's Avcılar Mayor have become the first disabled mayor of Turkey
15:07 actual
İmir: AKP did not win in Şırnak, 'State security'emerged from the ballot boxes
13:27 actual
Buldan: HDP have become the one who made win the election and lose the election at the same time
13:27 actual
IBB removed the 'Thanks' posters on reactions
13:27 actual
Head of YSK: Imamoglu received 4 million 159 thousand 650 votes and Yıldırım recieved 4 million 131 thousand 761 votes
12:18 actual
The hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 145th day
12:17 actual
46 percent of the winning candidates of HDP are women
23:58 politics
Temelli: President should withdraw to his own borders
22:11 actual
HDP Spokesperson Oluç: Trustee policy was rejected
21:10 actual
YSK cut the data flow
21:10 actual
İmamoğlu announced the data: I got ahead
20:34 actual
Mansur Yavaş took the lead
19:38 actual
Body guards and relatives of AKP Deputy draw kalashnikovs
17:16 actual
Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality surrounded by barriers
16:40 actual
Ministry of Interrior: 4 people lost their lives in the incidents occured during elections
16:23 actual
Power outages in Ankara
16:11 actual
Violations do not end in İstanbul
14:41 actual
Committee coming from Europe to monitor the voting process in Hani taken under custody
14:16 actual
HDP voters under custody have voted
14:00 actual
Police to HDP Deputy : You are the deputy of the terrorists
13:54 actual
Tore down the voting papers of HDP voter
13:08 actual
Akın who is on hunger strike for 84 days, have voted
12:37 actual
YSK decided to carry the ballot boxes in the middle of the night
12:12 actual
Gun fight at the polls: 2 people lost their lives
11:46 actual
HDP Candidate Zümrüt and JİnNews Reporter battered
11:32 actual
Voters in Diyarbakır going to polls in the shadow of 19 thousand soldiars and police
11:18 actual
They are voting with uniforms on
11:16 actual
Police from outside the city in Halfeti vote without documents
11:08 actual
'Government wants our children die in prison'
15:13 actual
European deputies in solidarity with hunger strikers
15:06 actual
Families of hunger strikers wrote to German President Steinmeier
15:05 actual
Arrest warrant issued for Kurdish musician Ferhat Tunç
14:32 actual
YSK: If the elections are canceled, the renewal will take place on 2 June.
14:16 actual
Rejection was fired off to the application of the families
14:16 actual
Call from Demirtas: Let's show our strength in cities where we don't have candidates
13:36 actual
The hunger strike of Leyla Güven is on its 142nd day
13:30 actual
Prisoner relative who is not allowed to contact the Ministry of Justice: We will come again
12:57 actual
Police raid to the election office in Siirt
12:29 actual
On hunger strike for 94 days: Resist for yourself!
12:28 actual
Bilici: CHP is as resposible for the hunger strikes as the government
11:31 actual
Ay from AKP: Criminalizing the opponents will make them lose
10:14 actual
Call for the peoples of Turkey from the family of hunger striker Yıldırım
15:24 actual
HDP Law Commission: To bring Güven to court by force is attempted murder
13:35 actual
3rd day of wait for relatives of the hunger striker prisoners in front of the Ministry of Justice
13:19 actual
802nd application from the attorneys to visit İmralı
13:15 actual
Slavoj Zİzek: Democracy will come to Turkey if the isolation is terminated